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Join date: Dec 2, 2022


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New to Spirit Lake, a small town close to the realm of Draconia. I work at the coffee shop called the Midnight Roast. We are open 24 hours now that vampires have returned to society. I started working night shifts since I’m pretty much a night owl now. The town’s economy has boosted with more nightly activities to cater to the vampire lifestyle. I’m on a mission to bring equality to all the living and undead. I’m also looking for answers. Why were vampires banished from society long ago? And why are they making a return? And who is this handsome dark stranger that I keep dreaming about? There are so many people that look like him and I need to find out who he is and what my dreams are telling me. It will be dangerou, but life is no fun without a little danger and adventure right?


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